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Software Testing in Bangladesh - Career Opportunities & Future Trends

Software Testing in Bangladesh

Software Testing: 

Software testing is an essential part of the software development process, and its primary purpose is to ensure the software system is reliable and serves its purpose. It is a necessary procedure for software development since it aids in detecting defects and correcting defects and problems, which can save time and resources in the long run.

Importance of Software Testing

Software Testing is critical because it aids in the identification and elimination of flaws in software programs, ensuring that they perform as intended and meet user needs. Neglecting testing can have costly and harmful implications, including:

 Human Loss

In some situations, software defects can cause harm or death, like in the case of the Therac-25 medical radiation therapy system, which was responsible for multiple tragic overdoses due to software bugs.

Monetary Loss

The revenue loss, compensation claims, and legal expenditures can all occur from software problems. For example, the 2016 Swift banking network attack resulted in an $81 million loss due to a software fault.

Reputation Damage

Software defects can potentially harm a company's brand and undermine consumer trust. For example, a software fault triggered the 2017 Equifax data breach, which affected over 147 million individuals and resulted in a loss of confidence and reputation.


Software flaws can cause systems to crash or go down, resulting in costly downtime for enterprises. For example, a software issue triggered a 2020 outage of the Amazon Web Applications (AWS) S3 storage system, resulting in extensive unavailability for numerous websites and services.

Software Testing is Crucial for Various Reasons, including:

  • Quality assurance: Testing ensures that software satisfies the desired requirements and works appropriately.
  • Bug identification: Testing detects and corrects problems that might result in costly and severe effects like data loss, system breakdowns, or security breaches.
  • User satisfaction: Testing ensures that software is user-friendly and gives a good user experience.
  • Performance optimization: Testing aids in the identification and resolution of performance issues, ensuring that software functions efficiently and rapidly.
  • Compliance: Testing ensures that software meets industry standards and laws.
  • Cost savings: When opposed to correcting issues after launch, finding and fixing errors early in the development process can save time and money.
  • Continuous improvement: Testing gives vital feedback for ongoing software enhancement and growth.

Why It Is Important in Bangladesh

In recent years, Bangladesh's software development industry has grown significantly, and the government's goal of creating a "Digital Bangladesh" has played a crucial part in this expansion.

The government has established a conducive climate for the expansion of the software industry by assisting digitalization in the form of ICT-based infrastructure and research institutes, tax exemptions for software-developing firms, and other efforts. The growth of Bangladesh's software industry has also produced several work possibilities for IT specialists in software development and testing. 

This is why software testing is becoming increasingly crucial as the country's IT industry develops. Software development and IT services outsourcing is a significant source of foreign currency earnings for the country. Software testing is an essential element of the process to guarantee that the software systems published satisfy the requirements and are of good quality.

The Future Trends in Software Testing in Bangladesh

The future of software testing in Bangladesh in 2023 is projected to be highly influenced by technological breakthroughs and changing software development requirements. Here are a few themes that will most likely affect the future of this sector in 2023:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)

AI and machine learning technologies have the potential to transform the software testing business by automating manual testing operations, lowering testing time and cost, and boosting test accuracy.

AI and machine learning algorithms can automate repetitive testing processes, increase test accuracy, and minimize testing time and cost. This will allow software testers to concentrate on higher-level jobs requiring greater skill.

IoT Testing

The demand for testing IoT devices and their applications will increase as the adoption of IoT devices and related technologies grow. This will necessitate software testers to have a better understanding of IoT technologies and the ability to test apps for these platforms.

User Experience Testing

The relevance of user experience testing will expand as software systems become more complicated and user-centric. User experience testing will determine how users interact with software applications, such as how they use the program, what they like and dislike about it, and what they expect. This data will enhance the user experience and deliver software solutions tailored to the users' demands.

Test Automation

The increased use of Agile and DevOps approaches has made software testing more critical than ever. By automating repetitive testing operations, lowering testing time and expense, and boosting test accuracy, test automation enables enterprises to deliver software faster and with higher quality.

Agile and DevOps

Agile and DevOps approaches are gaining traction in software development and testing. Agile development approaches highlight the requirement for regular, incremental software changes, whereas DevOps practices emphasize the necessity for a rapid and frequent software update release. Software testing will be increasingly closely integrated with Agile and DevOps processes in the future, allowing firms to produce software faster and with higher quality.

Performance Engineering

Performance engineering is a new subject that focuses on software system performance. Performance engineering will become increasingly important in software development and testing as organizations strive to offer high-performing software products that fulfill users' expectations.

Cloud-based Testing

Cloud computing will grow even more popular, and cloud software testing will become more widespread. Software testers will require cloud testing approaches and the tools used to test software on the cloud.

Security Testing

As enterprises seek to secure their software applications and data from cyber threats, the relevance of security testing will expand. Security testing techniques and the tools used to test software for security vulnerabilities will be essential for software testers.

Finally, the continual progress of technology and the changing requirements of software development will impact the future of software testing. Software testers must stay current on the latest tools and methodologies and build the skills and experience required to test software effectively in the modern environment.

Career Opportunities in Software Testing In Bangladesh

A career path in software testing might vary depending on the individual's experience, skill set, and interests.

Non-Technical Skills:

Communication skills

Capability to communicate effectively with development teams, stakeholders, and end users.

Problem-solving skills

Capability to discover, assess, and find solutions to issues.


The ability to learn new testing tools and procedures fast.

Attention to detail

Capability to extensively test software and find even minor problems.

Technical Skills:

Understanding of software development life cycle

Knowledge of the various steps of software development and testing.

Knowledge of testing methodologies

Knowledge of several testing approaches, including manual, automation, and continuous testing.

Experience with testing tools

Understanding of common testing tools, including Selenium, JUnit, and TestNG.

Familiarity with programming languages

Understanding at least one programming language, such as Java, Python, or C#.

There are numerous employment prospects in software testing depending on your level of knowledge and talents, including:

Manual Tester

This role involves manually testing software and reporting any bugs or issues found to the development team. This role requires strong attention to detail and problem-solving skills.

Automation Tester

This position entails creating and maintaining test automation frameworks and scripts to automate repetitive testing. Having prior knowledge of programming languages and testing technologies such as Selenium, JUnit, and TestNG is necessary.

Test Lead

This position entails managing a team of testers and supervising the testing process. Strong communication and leadership abilities, as well as knowledge of testing procedures, are required.

Test Manager

This position entails overseeing the testing process for many projects and teams. Strong project management abilities, familiarity with testing tools and procedures, and the ability to lead a team of testers are required.

Quality Assurance Engineer

This position is responsible for ensuring that software fulfills quality standards and requirements. It necessitates a thorough understanding of testing procedures and a dedication to quality.

Software Development Engineer in Test (SDET)

This position entails incorporating testing into the software development process and creating automated testing solutions. It necessitates knowledge of software development and testing and experience with testing tools and procedures.

Test Consultant

This role includes offering clients testing services such as testing strategy development, tool selection, and testing process enhancement. Having prior expertise with numerous testing approaches and a thorough understanding of the software testing business is necessary.

These are just a few career paths accessible in this sector. As new technologies and approaches are developed, the area constantly expands, providing fresh prospects for growth and advancement. Whether you are just starting or looking to improve your career, software testing provides numerous growth and professional development options.

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